Flower Agate | Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses

Posted by Camika DuBose on

Flower agate is a variety of agate characterized by its delicate, flower-like inclusions. Like flowers blossoming in a field, this crystal will help you bloom and reach your full potential. Discovered in 2018, Madagascar is the only known location for this crystal. Most flower agate on the market has been cut and polished into various shapes, with raw flower agate being much less common. The most sought-after flower agate has beautiful colors and distinctive floral formations, as pieces like these are considered higher quality.

Flower Agate Healing Properties

Flower agate is a crystal for growth and transformation. It will help you break free from old habits and beliefs that are holding you back. Flower agate encourages self-reflection, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations. Whether you are embarking on a new endeavor or simply want to build better habits, this crystal will help you through any changes in your life. 

Flower agate also fosters self-love. Its gentle and nurturing energy will allow you to embrace your true self, imperfections included. This crystal has connections to the heart chakra. It will aid you in releasing emotional trauma and healing from past wounds. You will become more in tune with your divine feminine as you grow into the person you are destined to be.

In the end, flower agate’s healing properties will lead you through self-discovery. You will learn new things about yourself, some of which you may not like. Flower agate will allow you to acknowledge your flaws and work towards becoming the person you want to be. Growth can be uncomfortable, but with flower agate by your side, you’ll be unstoppable. 

Flower Agate Chakras

Flower agate is connected to both your root and heart chakras. Your root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is responsible for your sense of security and stability. It provides a foundation for your life. When your root chakra is aligned, you will feel grounded and connected to the world around you. However, when your root chakra is blocked, you will feel anxious and disconnected from your environment. 

Your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest, is where your love and compassion reside. This chakra nurtures your relationship with yourself while allowing you to form meaningful connections with others. When your heart chakra is open, love will move freely to and from you. On the other hand, when your heart chakra is blocked, you will lack intimacy and suffer from emotional issues. To keep your root and heart chakras open and aligned, you can invite flower agate’s nurturing energy into your life.

Flower Agate Zodiac Signs

Flower agate is a versatile crystal that will benefit all zodiac signs. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) tend to be rigid, so flower agate will encourage them to think in new ways. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) can struggle with emotional regulation, so flower agate will help them better understand their feelings and how to cope with them. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are known to be spontaneous and impatient, so flower agate will allow them to slow down and be present in the moment. Lastly, air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are often concerned with caring for others, so flower agate will remind them that caring for themselves is also important.

How to Cleanse Flower Agate

Cleansing your flower agate crystal is important to keep its energy clear and vibrant. Here are a few ways you can cleanse flower agate: 

Running water: Hold flower agate under cool, running water for a few minutes. Visualize any negative energy washing away. 

Earth: Use your hands to create a small pocket in the ground just big enough for your crystal. Place your crystal in the ground, and allow the earth to reset and recharge your crystal. 

Moonlight: Place flower agate outside or on a windowsill during a full moon to absorb its cleansing energy overnight. 

Cleansing crystals: Place flower agate on or near cleansing crystals like clear quartz or selenite.  

How to Use Flower Agate

Flower agate’s beauty makes it the perfect crystal for home decor. Placing it throughout your home will allow you to admire its beauty and feel its healing energy. Flower agate’s transformative healing properties also make it a great crystal to keep in your office or workspace. In addition to decor, you can take flower agate on the go by wearing it as jewelry or keeping a crystal in your purse or pocket. 

For a deeper experience, you can pair flower agate with positive affirmations. To do so, hold a flower agate crystal while repeating uplifting phrases to yourself. Similarly, this crystal can also be used for manifestation. Hold on to a flower agate crystal while you meditate and visualize your dreams coming true.

Flower Agate Affirmations

Repeating affirmations while holding a flower agate crystal can enhance the effectiveness of the affirmations. Here are some affirmations that align with flower agate’s energy:

  1. I embrace growth and transformation.
  2. I am open to new beginnings and opportunities.
  3. I nurture my dreams and allow them to bloom.
  4. I find beauty in every moment and every experience. 
  5. I blossom with each challenge I face. 
  6. I am resilient, and I grow stronger every day. 
  7. I nurture my creativity and express it freely. 
  8. I honor my emotions and allow them to flow. 
  9. I am patient with myself as I evolve. 
  10. I find joy in the journey, not just the destination.

Is Flower Agate Water-Safe?

As with most agate, flower agate can safely be placed in fresh water. However, you’ll want to avoid exposing flower agate to salt water or water containing chemicals, as it can damage the crystal. Additionally, be mindful of prolonged water exposure, as this can alter the appearance of your flower agate crystal. 

How to Tell if Flower Agate Is Fake

While flower agate is not commonly faked, it can be dyed to achieve more desirable colors. Genuine flower agate can be a variety of colors, including pink, purple, white, and even green. These colors should be subtle and natural-looking, without any artificial or overly vibrant hues. If the colors appear too bright or unnatural, it could be a sign of a fake. 

Another way you can ensure that your flower agate crystal is real is by verifying its country of origin. Flower agate is only mined in Madagascar. If someone is selling flower agate that came from anywhere other than Madagascar, then it is not authentic. The best way to avoid buying fake flower agate is to shop with a reputable business.

Flower Agate Crystal Pairings

Flower agate pairs beautifully with other crystals, enhancing their unique energies. Here are a few crystals that complement flower agate:

Pink amethyst: Pink amethyst is a crystal that promotes emotional healing and self-acceptance. Flower agate’s nurturing energy complements the calming and soothing energy of pink amethyst, improving self-esteem and fostering personal growth. 

Rose quartz: Rose quartz embodies unconditional love and compassion, while flower agate encourages growth and new beginnings. Together, they amplify feelings of love, creating a deeper connection to yourself and others. 

Carnelian: Carnelian is known for its motivating and energizing properties, while flower agate nurtures and encourages personal growth. Pairing carnelian with flower agate will aid you in actively pursuing your goals and persevering through any challenges you may face. 


Flower agate is by far one of my favorite crystals. I love its pretty flower plumes and what they represent. I source only the highest quality flower agate for my shop, and due to its single locality of Madagascar, it may become increasingly difficult to source in the future. The time to add flower agate to your collection is now, so take a look at our available pieces here

— Camika ♡

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