The Best Crystals for Anxiety & How to Use Them

Posted by Camika DuBose on

Anxiety is a universal emotion that we all experience in some way. Whether you suffer from a chronic anxiety disorder like myself or you simply experience the “normal” anxiety that comes with life, crystals can help you. While crystals are not intended to replace traditional approaches to treating anxiety, such as therapy and medication, holistic healing can offer you additional support. In this article, we’re going to talk about what crystals are best for soothing anxiety and how you can use them to get the most out of their healing energy.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a complex emotional state characterized by persistent feelings of worry or fear that can significantly impact your daily life and well-being. It often manifests as a heightened sense of unease or dread about future events or situations, leading to physical and psychological symptoms. Common physical symptoms of anxiety include a racing heart, sweating, trembling, muscle tension, and fatigue, while psychological symptoms may involve constant rumination, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances. Anxiety can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stressful life events, genetic predispositions, or underlying mental health conditions, and it can range from mild and manageable to severe and debilitating. While occasional anxiety is a normal response to stress, chronic or excessive anxiety can interfere with your ability to function effectively in your daily life.

How Can Crystals Help Relieve Anxiety?

Crystals have unique energetic properties and the ability to influence emotional and mental states. This makes them powerful tools for relieving anxiety. Every crystal carries a distinctive vibration or frequency that interacts with your body’s energy field, which can promote a sense of calmness. By harnessing the soothing energy of certain crystals, you can create a serene environment that helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.

The Best Crystals for Anxiety

Certain crystals are distinguished for their calming healing properties. Here are some of the best crystals to consider for relieving anxiety:

1. Pink Amethyst

Pink amethyst, with its soft pink hue, offers a gentle yet powerful approach to alleviating anxiety through its soothing and nurturing energy. This crystal is renowned for its calming effects that help to soothe a restless mind and reduce stress. Pink amethyst resonates with the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and emotional healing, enhancing its ability to promote tranquility and emotional balance.

Emotionally, pink amethyst supports healing by encouraging the release of past traumas and negative emotions, which can lessen the mental burden associated with anxiety and foster a more positive outlook. Its soothing energy also aids in relaxation, making it easier to unwind and manage stress. This crystal promotes self-acceptance by counteracting negative self-talk, leading to greater emotional stability. Pink amethyst can also help with sleep disturbances caused by anxiety by creating a peaceful sleep environment.

2. Sea (Ocean) Jasper

*Please note that sea jasper and ocean jasper are sister crystals. You can read about the difference here.

Sea jasper, with its calming oceanic colors and soothing energy, is a powerful ally in managing anxiety. This unique crystal carries the tranquil essence of the ocean, which helps to instill a sense of peace and relaxation. Sea jasper’s gentle vibrations work to balance emotional turmoil, making it easier to navigate through periods of stress and anxiety. By fostering a sense of stability, sea jasper helps to center the mind, reducing overwhelming feelings and promoting mental clarity.

This crystal’s connection to water energy is particularly beneficial for those dealing with anxiety, as it encourages emotional release and renewal. Sea jasper can help you let go of negative emotions and past traumas, allowing for a more balanced and serene state of mind. Its nurturing energy supports emotional healing, creating a safe space for introspection and self-discovery. This process of emotional cleansing can significantly ease the mental burden of anxiety, leading to a more relaxed and positive outlook.

3. Flower Agate

Flower agate, with its delicate, floral-like patterns, provides a gentle yet effective means of alleviating anxiety through its nurturing energy. This beautiful crystal is known for its ability to promote emotional healing and foster a sense of tranquility by helping you reconnect with your inner self and your passions. Flower agate encourages the release of deeply held emotions, allowing for a more peaceful and balanced emotional state. 

This crystal’s soothing energy supports personal growth and self-discovery, helping you address and work through underlying factors that may contribute to anxiety. By encouraging self-love and emotional resilience, flower agate assists in building a positive mindset and enhancing overall emotional stability. Its ability to nurture and support personal transformation enables you to approach your anxiety with a renewed sense of confidence and clarity.

4. Labradorite

Labradorite, with its captivating iridescent sheen, offers a dynamic approach to alleviating anxiety through its transformative and protective energies. This powerful crystal is known for its ability to enhance intuition and provide a shield against negative energies, which can be especially helpful for those dealing with anxiety. Labradorite’s shimmering surface reflects light in various colors, symbolizing its ability to bring clarity and illumination to the mind, helping to clear anxious thoughts. 

This crystal’s protective properties act as a barrier against emotional stress and spiritual attacks, creating a safe space where you can confront and release underlying fears and anxieties. By fostering a sense of empowerment and self-confidence, labradorite supports emotional resilience. Its energy encourages a deeper connection with your inner self, facilitating spiritual growth and transformation that can lead to a greater understanding of your anxiety.

5. Petrified Wood

Petrified wood, with its grounding energy, offers a unique approach to relieving anxiety by connecting you with Earth’s stabilizing energy. This fossilized wood, formed over millions of years, will provide you with a sense of security, making it easier to navigate periods of anxiety. The grounding properties of petrified wood are particularly effective in helping to ease racing thoughts and reduce feelings of uncertainty. It helps create a more stable emotional foundation by making you feel rooted in Earth’s energy. This sense of grounding can reduce the intensity of anxiety, providing a clearer perspective and a balanced emotional state. This crystal also supports emotional healing by encouraging reflection and personal growth. Its ancient energy invites introspection, helping you address underlying factors that may be contributing to your anxiety. Through this process of self-discovery and understanding, petrified wood aids in releasing stored emotions and fostering a more resilient mindset.

How to Use Crystals for Anxiety?

To use crystals to manage anxiety, you can incorporate them into your daily routine in ways that align with your personal preferences and needs. Here are some effective methods for using crystals to relieve anxiety:

1. Meditation

Incorporate crystals into your meditation routine to promote relaxation and emotional clarity. Hold a crystal such as sea jasper, petrified wood, or flower agate in your hand, or place it on your body, such as on your heart chakra, while you meditate. Focus on the crystal’s energy, visualize its calming effects, and allow it to help you release anxiety and stress. 

2. Carry Crystals With You

Keep a small crystal in your pocket or purse, or wear a crystal bracelet to provide ongoing support throughout the day. Doing so will ensure that you have a sense of calm whenever you need it.

3. Create a Calming Space

Place crystals around your home or workspace to create a soothing environment. Arrange calming stones like flower agate or labradorite in areas where you spend a lot of time, such as your bedroom or office, to promote a serene atmosphere and reduce stress. 

4. Incorporate Crystals Into Your Sleep Routine

Place calming crystals like pink amethyst under your pillow or on your nightstand to promote restful sleep. The presence of crystals can help create a tranquil sleeping environment, improving the quality of your sleep.

5. Affirmations and Intention Setting

When using crystals, set positive intentions or repeat affirmations related to anxiety relief. Hold your crystal of choice, state your affirmation, and visualize the crystal’s energy supporting your mental and emotional well-being. This practice can enhance the crystal’s effects and reinforce a positive mindset.


Using crystals to manage anxiety can offer a gentle yet powerful complement to traditional methods of anxiety relief. The effectiveness of crystals can vary from person to person, so you will want to explore different options and see what resonates with you. Embracing the natural healing potential of crystals, along with other holistic practices, can help you navigate anxiety and cultivate a peaceful state of mind. 

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